For registrations
postmarked by May 8:
$30 for members of FSGW,
$33 for non-members
Students - 1/2 price
($15 / $16.50)
Add $6 for registrations
postmarked after May 8 (Students add $3)
Registration Form
Callers: Tom Spilsbury, Melissa Running
Music by
Colleen Reed (flute),
Becky Ross (fiddle)
Time: 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Location: Ashburton
Elementary School
All Purpose Room
6314 Lone Oak Drive, Bethesda, MD
Directions to practice
Restaurant Tips
Hosted by Betty and Roger
Share a meal / change into ball finery
Directions to potluck
(near practice session)
available at practice
Not attending the practice session?
Contact the registrar for directions to the potluck.
Light refreshments served during the break
All dances will be prompted for a few rounds, with no walk-throughs.
Information about the pre-ball practice session
and driving directions will be mailed with program booklets.
Work scholarships are available.
Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the dance floor.
Info: e-mail or call Tom Spilsbury at 301-585-7857
"Pretty" version of flyer (PDF, 275 kB)