REGISTRATION for FSGW's 24th Annual Washington Spring Ball - May 14, 2011
Cherry Hill Park Conference Center, 9800 Cherry Hill Road, College Park, MD
<< Mail registration by April 30th and save $$ >>

NAME(s) as they are to appear on name tags (please print legibly)

First: ____________________________ Last: _______________________________

First: ____________________________ Last: _______________________________

Street: ________________________________________________________________

City: ______________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ________

Phone: ______ - ______ - ________  Legible E-mail address: __________________________________

Reserve |___| places @ $30* for members of |__| FSGW      |__| BFMS      |__| CDSS

Reserve |___| places for non-members @ $33* each
* Add $6 per person for registrations postmarked after April 30th

Reserve |___| places for student(s) 1/2 price $15 (members) / $16.50 (non-members)*
* Add $3 per student for registrations postmarked after April 30th

|__| Overnight hospitality needed. Prefer: |__| Non-smoking    |__| Separate Beds
(Please submit requests postmarked by April 30th to facilitate coordination of requests.)

Allergy (pets, food, other): __________________________________________________________________

Other special needs: _______________________________________________________________________

I / we can provide overnight hospitality for __________ visitors (please provide your e-mail address, above, to facilitate coordination of this activity).

To register, send A CHECK, payable to FSGW. To receive a program by return mail, include a self addressed, stamped, business-sized envelope (SASE) with appropriate postage, $ 0.44; add a $ 0.20 stamp (rate increased April 17thnew) for each additional registrant. If no SASE is provided, booklet(s) will be available at the practice session and at the entrance to the ball.

Send registration to: (no registration via e-mail)
Roger Broseus,    10411 Farnham Drive,    Bethesda, MD  20814-2219

Check here |__| to receive confirmation via e-mail (including directions to the practice session and ball). In this case (no SASE), instruction booklets will be available at the practice session or at the ball registration table. Updates will be e-mailed to those whose e-mail address is on file with the registrar.

More info, including program of dances