The Folklore Society of Greater Washington

Furthering the understanding, investigation, appreciation, and performance of the traditional folk music and folklore of the American people.

FSGW Board Minutes Jan. - Dec., 2000

FSGW Board Meeting Minutes December, 2000

Board Members present: Carl Mintz, Nancy-Jean Seigel, Jim Cole, Jay Ladin, Kathie Mack, Liz Milner, Charlie Baum, Anne Sergeant

FSGW member present: Lisa Harmon

The President called the meeting to order. The first order of business was approval of the preceding month’s minutes. The November minutes of the FSGW Board Meeting were approved. Carl then explained that both Kathy Westra and Scott McKnight would be absent. Neither of these Board Members had anything to report at the December meeting.

Jay Ladin, Dance, reported the following:

ˇ        With the coming of cold weather, attendance at the dances has dropped considerably—one dance had 90 participants, the next week only 60 showed up despite the fact that plastic sheeting has been installed over the windows to keep out the cold. Dances are now losing money. This is a problem.

ˇ        There is a cooperative agreement between FSGW and the Park Service for 2001 that we may use the park for two Sunday nights.

ˇ        As part of that agreement, the Park wishes for FSGW to have a dance to proceeds of which would benefit the Glen Echo Foundation. The suggested date for the benefit dance is June 17th. Jay had suggested instead that this benefit dance be held the festival weekend. The Park representative, Ranger Sam Swersky said we can’t do that—i.e. if we are only doing a dance, but no concert, they will give the park to somebody else. Carl said he would talk to the Ranger about this and explain the additional possibility of more bands playing during the afternoon.

ˇ        Jay reported an incident about which he needed Board guidance. Jamie Platt attended a dance, to dance—i.e. not there to work the sound equipment; someone else was doing sound that evening. He was asked to pay, as other dancers do. Jamie complained saying that he was in charge of the Sound Committee and, furthermore, had never had to pay. Ultimately, he did pay, but phoned Jay later in the week to re-open the issue. He pointed out that the Door Committee never pays. Jay said these people are not paid, Jamie is paid for what he does. Jay told him that he would bring this issue before the Board to get "their sense". A side issue was that at this particular dance, the sound person was very cold and Jamie volunteered to sub for him while he “thawed out”. He came to dance, but volunteered to help--this made the issue of whether he should pay confusing. After some discussion, it was decided to tell Jamie that the Board is looking into the matter. Anne Sergeant and Carl will contact other groups to see what policies they have.

ˇ        A peripheral issue brought up was about the key to our meeting place. (This meeting we were locked out and had to get a key.) Jamie has a key, so does Dean. They both work in the park a good deal, so the keys are justified. Carl explained the Park doesn't want an extra key made for us.

Jim Cole, Treasurer, made a report on:

ˇ        The FSGW budget from September to end of October 2000. Deposits after 10/31 (amounting to perhaps $5000 from the Getaway) do not show yet. Pat has highlighted certain areas on the budget printout, but these are of no concern.

ˇ        The Wantland fund--there will be a forthcoming proposal on ideas for some of those funds.

ˇ        The Nowell Sing We Clear concert netted us $300. The artists made over $2,500 from sale of product.

ˇ        Pat gave a list of record keeping problems which need "cleaning up" to make Pat's job easier. Jim asked that people give this information to him so that he can give it to Pat.

1.      The Sunday contra dances: there is much missing information, clarification is needed re: deposits

2.      Jay said he missed the October dances and Carl handled some of the paperwork.

3.      There seems to be a discrepancy on numbers--one problem is that we are dealing with volunteers and Jay confessed that "some of them can't add"--they are not always reliable for counting loose change or attending to other details.

4.      There is an envelope which must be found which should have missing information

5.      There are still outstanding expenses from the Getaway which Jennifer has to document.

6.      There is a question about the bus bill for the WFF 2000--Carl volunteered to call Dean on this.

7.      Shape Note School October 2000--no reports have been received on this. There was a deposit made on this--related to a gift from an anonymous person who wanted to fund someone's plane fare ($250)

8.      Sound equipment item is old history--suggested to write off and no invoices.

9.      Deposits--documentation is needed to show what the deposits are for.

Kathie Mack, newsletter, reported:

ˇ        The Newsletter has been submitted to Jennifer and hope to have it delivered to the printer on 12/13, and to the mailing house two days later. (Carl urged Kathie to call these people to check on their keeping to deadlines.)

ˇ        The new Production Director of Glen Echo, Joseph Burns, noted that the swing dances were included on the calendar, but not listed in the Newsletter. Other managers of clubs, for example the Shenandoah Coffee House in Reston, look carefully to see that they are mentioned. This points to a need to for additional proofing to look for such omissions.

ˇ        Newsletters will now have a special section which shows directions to places where numerous events take place. This new feature will save space and make directions easier to find.

ˇ        The deadline for the Newsletter discussed at the Board in November was not satisfactory to Kathie and she re-opened the topic for Board discussion. Kathie felt that the deadline should not be changed to the 5th of the month because it causes "hardship" to people. She felt that the editor should be in charge and guarantee that the newsletters are in the hands of the readers by certain dates--five days before the end of the month ideally. Carl again suggested that she use the phone to prod people. Kathie said that the most delinquent contributors are Board Members. (Carl suggested an email reminder to Board Members.) It was agreed to let Kathie be in charge and if the mail deliveries are not satisfactory in January, February, and March to revisit the topic of a revised deadline at that time. This (December) decision over-rides the Board's "sense" as reported in the November minutes.

ˇ        According to Kathy Westra's research on another business which does both printing and mailing, it would save two days on the process but would cost over $300 more--$3600 per year, not worth it, was the general consensus.

ˇ        Jim had told Dennis that there was a change in the Newsletter deadline. He now will contact Dennis to report that we are keeping the date to the 10th of the month.

Liz Milner, publicity, had nothing new to report.

Charlie Baum, Getaway, reported that

ˇ        He has in hand a contract with Ramblewood for next year's Getaway and will work on completing it.

Lisa Harmon, MiniFest Chairperson, presented the following information

ˇ        The MiniFest will be held the first week end in February at the Takoma Park Middle school. Charlie said this is an excellent location for the Mini-Fest--everything we are using is on the first floor, the concert hall has a high stage and good acoustics.

ˇ        The performers are donating their talents for a fund-raiser to benefit FSGW. Nevertheless they have some expenses of their own which need to be considered--for example, one group must pay a bass player to perform on a Saturday night. Lisa proposed that we expand the budget by $500 so to give each group $100 to cover necessary expenses for their Saturday night performers.

ˇ        The caterer will be Greek Taverna. They do not need to do beverages.

ˇ        It was suggested that we sell drinks ourselves. (Kathie Mack suggested that we might unplug the vending machines!) We could obtain drinks from Price Club. Someone was to inquire of the school or the (Park) Festival if we might borrow big buckets for ice. This might even raise the additional $500 proposed to add to the budget.

Charlie made a motion that we increase our Mini-Fest budget (now set at $2750-- earmarked for rental of the school) by $500 to pay for the $100 stipends to each performing group. The new budget figure would be $3250. Liz seconded the motion. The motion was passed.

ˇ        Performers will be: Bruce Molsky, Bill Baker, Ivan Dimitroff and the Taiko drummers.

ˇ        Volunteers and performers will have a special area for parking on a side lot.


ˇ        The issue of allowing CDSS to use our mailing list to advertise their dance camp.

Jay made a motion that FSGW allow CDSS to have access to our mailing list and that they pay for (the mailing via the Heymans) to advertise their dance camp at Buffalo Gap. The motion was seconded and was passed.

ˇ        Stan Fowler, the Dance Ranger, is requesting money for supplies (wood and other materials) to put the stage together in the Bumper Car Pavilion. FSGW will be holding dances there when it is completed (hopefully by June). We had agreed on a figure of $1200 as our contribution. We use this site on Sundays, but three other groups use it other times.

ˇ        Although we have $9,000 in our budget, we need to keep money for sound equipment; it was suggested that we make sure that other groups are putting in equal contributions before going above our agreed amount. Jay said that we need to get more information on what the overall job will cost. All agreed.

Nancy-Jean made a motion that we should pay up to $1200, but no more than 25% of the total outlay, to Stan Fowler for wood and other materials for the work agreed upon in the Bumper Car Pavilion. Jay seconded the motion and the motion passed.

ˇ        Carl made sure that all Board Members had copies of the Board and Park statement announcing cancellation of the 2001 Washington Folk Festival. He noted minor editorial changes to be made.

ˇ        Reminders: Garnet Rogers will give a concert January 13 8:00 PM at NVCC (Annandale, VA) and Martyn Wyndham-Reed will perform on January 20 at the Washington Ethical Society. Carl will cover the door.

ˇ        The next Board Meeting of FSGW is scheduled for January 9th, 2001. Nancy-Jean expects to be away. Carl announced that a volunteer is needed to take the minutes. Nancy-Jean will return to cover the February 6 Board Meeting minutes.

FSGW Board Meeting--November, 2000 --Second DRAFT

Board Members present: Carl Mintz, Stephanie Smith, Nancy-Jean Seigel, Jim Cole, Scott Mcknight, Liz Milner, Kathie Mack, Jay Ladin, Kathy Westra, Sousan Frankeberger, and Charlie Baum

Members present: Pat McGee, Dean Clamons, Betsy Platt

Others present: Nancy Hartman, Board member of Institute of Musical Traditions

President Carl Mintz called the meeting to order. The first order of business was approval of the October Board meeting Minutes. It was approved, as amended.

Second order of business, the Board voted in a new treasurer. Kathy Westra made a motion that Jim Cole be appointed Treasurer of the FSGW Board. This was seconded. A roll call vote resulted in unanimous passage of the motion and a round of enthusiastic applause.

Committee Chair Reports

Budget. Carl opened the floor for questions on the 2000-2001 budget that had previously been distributed.

ˇ        Charlie noted that Dean's proposal for summer concerts was not included in the budget

ˇ        Dean pointed out that expenses for the Washington Folk Festival should not be "zero", but that there might be as much as $1000 for expenses related to circumstances--moving, storage, etc.--in this year when the Park will be under reconstruction.

ˇ        Betsy Platt asked why our outreach budget was so low. She felt that one of the results of the Board retreat was that this item would be increased. Carl replied that we have to balance the existing items. Scott mentioned that we had no specific plans in mind for outreach activities.

ˇ        Scott questioned why the budget might be out of balance. Pat reassured him that the small percentage discrepancy was not of concern.

Charlie moved that the 2000-2001 Budget be accepted and adopted, with an adjustment of $1000 allocated to the WFF. Nancy-Jean seconded the motion and the budget was approved.

Carl asked that all figures for the year 2000 related to the 1999 Folk Festival be turned in by the December Board Meeting. He noted that a $7000 bill for buses had not been turned in. Dean is supposed to call them and follow up.

Pat, book keeping, distributed his report for September.

ˇ        He noted that there are figures yet to be turned in for expenses and overhead from the Bok concert as well as expenses (incurred after September 30) related to the Getaway.

ˇ        The question was brought up of what to do with the 700 as yet unsold Sacred Harp CDs. Kathy W. said that Camsco and Folk Legacy have both been contacted and may help market them.

Scott, Membership, distributed a hand-out.

ˇ        There have been 6 new members since September; from October, 46 members have chosen not to renew.

ˇ        The question was raised about whether VA members had fewer activities offered to them (i.e. in VA) and whether this affected membership. Charlie suggested that the membership list be sorted by zip codes for the purpose of determining where FSGW members live and specifically how many come from Virginia. Activities usually take place were the most members live.

Liz, Publicity,

ˇ        suggested that copies of our Newsletter be taken to the Folk Alliance Conference in Vancouver. Nancy-Jean will go to the Conference and bring Newsletters

ˇ        updated the Board on efforts being made to get publicity about our events into the City Paper and the Takoma Voice

ˇ        recommended getting FSGW information onto the DC Dancenet and said she would send Kathie M. information for doing so.


Sousan, Special Events

ˇ        reported that the November 2 concert was a success, but only 35 people attended.

ˇ        stated concern that the Nowell Sing We Clear tickets had not been mailed. She would check on this.

ˇ        mentioned upcoming concerts:

1.      January 13, Garnet Rogers at Bradley Hill s

2.      March 22, Ed Miller

3.      June 9, Tom Paxton

4.      June 23 Alice Girard and two others

ˇ        In addition Sousan is working on two other possibile concerts--Chris Foster and Brian Peters. She will give more information later.

Kathie Mack, Newsletter, made the following report:

ˇ        She was concerned that bill for the last Newsletter issue was significantly higher (perhaps $200.). She did not know why.

ˇ        There was the possibility that cost was because the issues were poorly folded. Carl said this matter needed to be investigated to determine where the problem lies--with Heymans (mailing service) or with the House of Printing--so that this does not reoccur. Several people felt that phone calls need to be made to check on status of our work orders.

ˇ        Jennifer Woods who does the graphics is using new software that will make it easier to do the Newsletter.

ˇ        Kathy Westra addressed the problem of slowness of getting newsletters into the mail. She recommended looking into a company she uses in her own job which does both printing and mailing. This will be investigated as an alternative. Carl suggested a committee of the two Kathys to do this.

ˇ        With regard to the Newsletter deadline, it was the sense of the Board to move the deadline back to the 5th of the month, at least for a while to see how it works out.

Kathy Westra, Program reported that:

ˇ        The past three concerts there has been a problem at the Ethical Society because the stage lights were locked up in the sound cabinet. For this coming concert (Helen Schneyer) arrangements are being made in advance so this will not reoccur. Also the piano has been tuned (at our expense) since Helen Schneyer both plays and sings in her concerts.

ˇ        More help is needed at the door and with set-up tasks at these concerts.

ˇ        The upcoming concerts are booked for the year and are as previously reported.

ˇ        With regard to performers' CDs sold at concerts, Carl's suggestion was not favorably taken that FSGW might collect a small percentage after a certain amount sold. The consensus was not to interfere with performers and their sales.

Dance, Jay reported the following:

ˇ        January 7 will be the first of two dances that are free to members. There will be a notice in the Newsletter.

ˇ        The first of the "etiquette" sessions will take place at the January 7 dance.

ˇ        Re: the New Year's Eve Dance, it was mentioned that an effort would be made to get the flier onto the web page as a PDF (portable document file). If done, it would be announced at the next Sunday dance.

ˇ        Jay inquired what had happened to an excerpt from a CDSS article about dance etiquette that he had sent Kathie Mack for the Newsletter. She didn't recall, had not understood it was to be published, and had not kept a copy

The Getaway, Charlie gave an enthusiastic report of our first experience at Ramblewood.

ˇ        There were 150 overnighters and many daytrippers too. 36 people stayed on until Monday.

ˇ        Six scholarships were awarded.

ˇ        The food service was of concern, but can easily improve with more specific suggestions and greater "overseeing". (Neither we nor Ramblewood staff had communicated in detail about FSGW food service expectations prior to the week-end.)

ˇ        The date for the 2001 FSGW Getaway will be the same--i.e. in October, the week-end after Columbus Day week-end.   Charlie already has a contract in hand.

ˇ        Money was borrowed from the Lieberman Fund. Kathy Westra noted that this should not be used for shortfall.

Dean Clamons talked about Washington Folk Festival issues:

ˇ        The possibility of a 2001 festival, if the Park were to be available, is slim. On the operational side, most people who would normally work on the festival have already been told it was not going to take place and they are scheduled to do other things.

ˇ        It is time now to announce our plan not to have a WFF next year. Dean suggested an announcement by FSGW that would be approved by the Park Service. He would draft such a statement, due mid-December, which would then appear on the FSGW web page.

Carl then mentioned his email in which he discussed the importance of FSGW maintaining some sort of "presence" in the Park.

ˇ        The idea of having a concert day or series of concerts on different dates was discussed.

ˇ        The first week end in June, normally our WFF event date, the Park is still reserved for us. There was discussion of how to use this or whether this would be best--having several back-to-back artists then.

ˇ        The question arose about whether Tom Paxton could come another date and be part of this Park project.

ˇ        It was suggested that we need to get more information from the Park Service before we move ahead with anything.

Old Business

1.      Debby McClatchy: Carl pointed out that no one had responded to a call for feed-back on Charlie's drafted letter, so he did nothing. The letter was to be sent out 11/15

2.      The Mini-Fest will take place the first Saturday in February 2001 (2/3/2001). Lisa Harmon has volunteered to chair this event and is in the process of getting her committee organized. The school auditorium has a nice raised stage. The venue will cost $300 more.

3.      FSGW 2001 Getaway chairman will be Charlie Baum. He is investigating using Janet Bradley to help with food. She is the only outside chef Ramblewood will allow and we can use her, if we pay her.

New Business

Proposal emailed to Board Members by Betsy Platt that FSGW be a major contributor for a holiday concert put on by the Institute of Musical Traditions. The FSGW donation, if made for $1600, would be used to give free seats to the concert for 200 under-privileged children. There would be a full-page ad for FSGW in the concert program.

ˇ        Betsy Platt presented the case. Sitting also in the Board Meeting was Nancy Hartman, Board Member of IMT. Betsy repeated the same ideas as had previously been stated in her email. She also said that if this sponsorship were not found, IMT would be $2000 in the red. Several Board members took issue with the concert budget and with this statement.

ˇ        Carl asked for discussion prior to a Board vote on this allocation of money. The following members commented:

1.      Kathy Westra--it is a worthy cause, but a major financial commitment being asked on a day when we have an event; we have a budget which has promised more services to members than our current income can sustain and we are needing to cut back on what we offer.

2.      Carl--we have never spent so much money on any one event.

3.      Sousan--it is good to support IMT, but our mission is not to do that, perhaps a one-time exposure of music to needy children is not in our interest.

4.      Scott-- had no problem with our mission or the conflict with our event.

5.      Liz--Outreach is important and we should support IMT. However, this is not the only possibility in town for outreach. We need other outlets for ideas.

6.      Jay--pointed out that we have outreach in our budget.

7.      Ann--felt this was within our mission and we should help

8.      Carl noted that one 501C3 is asking another 501C3 for support. It seems like we are being approached for this sponsorship as a for-profit organization

9.      Charlie--noted that for a benefit concert, the artists' fees were $4200 and the hall only holds 400. This seemed a steep fee.

10.  Nancy-Jean--felt we should make some contribution, but not put all our outreach efforts into this one concert; we should look into outreach possibilities from within our own society's interests and to do our part.

11.  Pat--pointed out that FSGW has a great reserve of money and we can really do anything we want. Our problem with doing outreach is not for lack of money, rather it is our being limited by the fact that our members are volunteers.

12.  Kathie Mack--was in favor of offering $800 to IMT for the purpose of donating tickets for needy children at the December concert.

13.  Charlie--pointed out that our contribution of $800 would benefit only 100 children. It would be better to have those performers do programs in the schools.

A motion was then made by Kathie Mack .to donate $800 to IMT. This was seconded. A roll call vote was requested by Carl. The motion did not pass. Breakdown of the votes are as follows:

For--Scott, Liz, Kathie M., Stephanie,

Against-- Kathy W., Nancy-Jean, Charlie, Carl

Abstaining-Jim, Sousan, Jay


Another motion was made by Jay to donate $500 to IMT. This was seconded and a roll call vote was taken. The motion passed. Breakdown of the votes are as follows:

           For:Scott, Kathie M, Kathy W, Stephanie, Jay, Liz, Sousan

           Abstaining: Jim, Nancy-Jean, Charlie, Carl.

Betsy Platt thanked FSGW for its generosity. She then announced that she and Jamie have gotten the go-ahead from the park service to have an Inaugural Ball. She said she was thinking of asking for co-sponsorship with FSGW. Kathy Westra pointed out that this dance was scheduled on the same night as one of our events.

The meeting adjourned at 11:05pm. Prior to leaving, the officers signed bank papers allowing our new Treasurer to be able to write checks.

The next meeting is scheduled for December 12

FSGW Board Meeting --October, 2000

Board Members present: Carl Mintz, Stephanie Smith, Nancy-Jean Seigel, Scott Mcknight, Liz Milner, Kathie Mack, Jay Ladin, Kathy Westra, Sousan Frankeberger, Charlie Baum and Anne Sergeant

Members present: Jim Cole, Jamie Platt

The President called the meeting to order. The first matter of business was approval of the September Board Meeting Minutes. It was approved. This was followed by reports from the various committee chairs.

Jay Ladin, Dance mentioned the following:

ˇ        an accident at one of the dances. A lady, wearing inappropriate shoes for dancing, and who had been warned not to do so, fell while dancing and broke her wrist. She has since sent a note to Mary- Kay stating that she does not intend to sue us.

ˇ        a complaint that after an English Dance the hall was not properly cleaned up. This will be rectified.

ˇ        progress on the New Year’s Eve dance--everything is set, except for finding a sound person.

ˇ        continued discussion about introducing etiquette into the dance sessions. Our efforts in this area will be mentioned to Stan Fowler of the National Park Service (known to us as “the Dance Ranger”).

Kathy Westra, Program, reported that the September program with the Four Echoes was successful-- about 50 attended and new members were recruited. Helen Schneyer will give her concert on November 18. There is nothing booked definitely for June. This will be firmed up next meeting

Anne Sergeant, reported that she took the ballroom piano bench home to repair it.

Sousan Frankeberger, Special Events, reported that

ˇ        the Bok, Muir, Trickett concert went well--each performer received a check for $800.14. and over $4400 was sold of product. (Carl suggested that those selling be given a free CD; it was confirmed that this is being done.--Kathie Mack says that we have been letting performers offer a free CD to those selling, if they wished to do so) 10-15 new members were recruited at this concert. One problem was discussed: apparently, the wrong address was given on the back of the ticket. In such cases, offer of refund was made.

ˇ        Nowell Sing We Clear will be advertised again in the November issue. The date (incorrectly stated in the October issue) is Friday, December 1

ˇ        Bruce Molsky will be here for a concert on October 27.

ˇ        November 28 Eric Hoffman and Andrea Hoag will do a house concert

Kathie Mack, Newsletter, said

ˇ        that there is concern about the number of errors and agrees there is a need for more proof-reading. Liz, Anne and Kathy Westra all volunteered to help. It was suggested that Jennifer Woods deliver two copies of page proofs to Kathie, for proof-readers to see. Then we could sign a form to say it is "ok".

ˇ        We are missing a box of newsletters (flat newsletters).

Sousan suggested there ought to be a policy of printing all upcoming programs for the next three months in advance since people need to plans and buy tickets; Kathy Westra said we must do this as money is at stake.

Membership—Scott reported that:

ˇ        Membership is down from last month, but up from August

ˇ        that according to FSGW policy, local people cannot just subscribe to the newsletter; they must join as full members.

Carl, Budget, distributed the budget and pointed out that things in gray were outside the parameters (this not being good or bad, just that they are outside). During the budget discussion:

ˇ        corrections were mentioned and

ˇ        items which looked incorrect were questioned. (For example, the Special Events line looked as if not all events were included ; the Programs budget looked $900 less and Carl agreed to increase it from $8100 to the $9000 it should have been)

ˇ        Kathy Westra brought up the question about whether there should be a separate budget line for publicity? She pointed out that her budget does not include publicity.

ˇ        Carl was reluctant to redo the entire budget for publicity. It should be kept within the chair's budget. It was further suggested that things be worked out between the chairs and Liz (Publicity)

ˇ        Sousan pointed out that the practice of blending publicity into each chair's budget for Special Events cuts into the performer's earnings.

ˇ        It was suggested that perhaps certain cases should be re-evaluated--i.e. cost of publicity for having extra inserts in the Newsletter for the Getaway for three successive months may not have been necessary.

ˇ        Charlie said that he felt publicity means marketing the society as a whole and increases our name recognition. Carl reminded of $5,000 spent over a year (ads in the Post etc. ) 4-5 years ago with no results. Putting notices in libraries and fliers out everywhere is a more effective method for marketing our organization.

ˇ        Stephanie suggested we need to look at each event separately, look at the big picture--examples of La Rondinella and Noel Sing We Clear where the event will attract a much wider audience, we have to reach those people.

ˇ        Kathy Westra said the society needs to make a budgetary commitment to publicity, in general. And Publicity Chair, as a Board Member in conjunction with Dance and all program events, needs to have an idea of how that budgeted amount should be best spent--that takes into account where we need to spend the most money, where we take the most risk and need the biggest return and design strategy for the year Vs for individual programs.

ˇ        Carl questioned how we could budget in publicity and still have a balanced budget. Possibilities might be raising membership fees--we have 500 fewer already than several years ago or scaling back what we offer members--checked and all we are obligated to offer is 9 free concerts/year. Or 9 meetings which could be 2 dances and 7 programs--so far we have 8 programs fixed, make one a free dance. Kathy felt it would be reasonable to cut one program--the June program, for example--as we are offering too much when our membership has brought in less revenue --this would cut $1000 off Programs and could be used for publicity.

ˇ        Carl said that if we have no Mini Festival Chair by November 10th, will have to cancel the event. A notice will be put in the newsletter asking for a Chair.

ˇ        Sousan suggested that we might consider finding a fund raiser person who could get sponsorship--e.g. a bank, to raise money.

ˇ        Carl and Charlie both made a motion we continue the 1999 budget for one more month as there were a number of unanswered questions that need more clarification. That motion was seconded. All said, "aye"!

The Getaway, Charlie said that at that point there were 122 signed up. Carl agreed that he would come up to Ramblewood to write checks to pay the camp.

Old Business:

ˇ        the scheduling of upcoming Board meetings was settled. Future dates include:

Nov. 14, Dec 12, and Jan 9.

ˇ        the letter to Debby. Carl said he preferred to discuss the draft ideas over the internet

ˇ        Jamie distributed his proposal for the Institute of Musical Traditions (IMT) and FSGW to jointly sponsor family dances that are currently FSGW events. (It was pointed out that we are already insured for such events.)  FSGW would put publicity into the newsletter. After much discussion about wording—“joint” or “co-sponsored”, it was decided to use the term “co-sponsored” in the publicity.

Kathy Westra moved that FSGW accept the IMT proposal for a co-sponsored family dance series. As is stated in the proposal, there is no financial obligation on the part of FSGW. Her motion was passed.

New Business: Carl introduced Jim Cole, an FSGW member who works at Library of Congress and is possible candidate for treasurer.

FSGW Board Meeting Minutes September, 2000

Board Members present: Carl Mintz, Stephanie Smith, Nancy-Jean Seigel, Scott Mcknight, Liz Milner, Kathie Mack, Jay Ladin, Kathy Westra, Sousan Frankeberger, Charlie Baum and Anne Sergeant

Members present: Pat McGee, Esther Bushman, Jamie Platt

The President called the meeting to order. The first matter of business was approval of the August Board Meeting Minutes. This was followed by reports by the newly appointed Bookkeeper and various Board Members.

Pat McGee, bookkeeper— received from Carl the rest of the Folk Festival expenses, so that now a final accounting can be made.

Other financial issues. A question was raised about the Glen Echo Park accounting records. Carl will ask the Glen Echo Foundation for a balance sheet. Carl also promised to send the next budget reports using Excel. We will pass a budget at the October meeting. It will be sent out for review before the meeting. With regard to the deposit made to the Leland Center for the New Year’s dance, someone will check to make sure we got it back. Carl said that there has been no response to the notice advertising the position of Treasurer which appeared in the FSGW bulletin.

Sousan Frankeberger, Special Events, reported that so far 360 advance sale tickets had been sold for the Bok, Trickett, Muir concert. The slate of concerts for the year, as listed on the FSGW website, was discussed. There was a suggestion that we contact the Ethical Society to put notices of our concerts in their bulletin.


Kathy Westra, Program, reported that programs are booked for the year, with the exception of June. There will be no October program, because the program date falls on FSGW's Getaway weekend. The December program will be on the 9th, a week early, since the Ethical Society is not available on the 16th. Programs confirmed for the year are:


September 16 -- The Four Echoes (black gospel quartet);

November 18 -- Helen Schneyer;

December 9-- Namu Lwanga (songs, dance, and stories of Uganda);

January 20 -- Martyn Wyndham-Read (songs of England and Australia);

February 17 -- Double Decker Stringband;

March 17-- Jeff and Gerret Warner (the Warner Collection in photos, field     recordings, and performance);

April 21 -- Joel Mabus;

May 19 -- Margaret MacArthur;

June 16 -- TBA(Kathy is trying to get the Northern Neck Chantey Singers, a group of elderly black former menhaden fishermen who sing the songs they used on the menhaden boats and talk about their experience in the coastal Virginia menhaden fishery.)

Jay Ladin, Dance, reported that (according to Jamie) our keyboard stand is missing. If a request to return it brings no result, Carl with put in an insurance claim for a $200 loss. Other dance news: we will have the ballroom until June, but the stage only until March. Jay mentioned the problem of dancers who are “out of control” and need to be taught etiquette. At the first and second dances of each month, it is hoped they might be able to weave instruction on etiquette and style into the program. A band and caller have been hired for the New Year’s Eve contra dance at the Leland Center.

Kathie Mack, Newsletter, brought up the idea of including feature articles on folk songs and culture. Liz suggested that there be additional information about the background and type of music being played at concerts. Rita is doing an article on the Mudcat Café.

Scott McKnight, Membership, reported that the numbers are down. At the Takoma Folk Festival there wasn’t even one sign-up, despite distribution of the Newsletter. He said he would send out renewal reminders. Jennifer Woods may do a three-fold brochure for FSGW describing the benefits of membership.

Liz Milner, Publicity, suggested tapes of up-coming performers may played on the radio. She also said the Gazette was interested in doing a story and would need pictures.

Report on Getaway Plans. Charlie Baum reported there is ample money in the scholarship fund—we have $200 in addition to the base $800 figure. Dennis will receive an email to ask that he put something on the front page of the Web page about scholarships. Dolores and Charlie are working out logistics—where to set up the registration table, etc. and making clear directions to Ramblewood. Carl pointed out that if there is no Treasurer by the time of the Getaway, he will have to make arrangements for check signing.

Old Business. Esther Bushman reported on her phone conversation with Debby McClatchy, which took place the evening of August 22.

Esther said the purpose was to explore options for ways to mend fences with Debby and also to reiterate the constraints imposed on Board because of tax status. She pointed out that FSGW was an all-volunteer not-for-profit organization whereas Debby is running a for-profit business.

Debby did not want to agree to what we offered. She said she could bring action against FSGW in small courts claim and win; claimed that Dolores said that she represented the Board (note: in a subsequent telephone conversation with Carl, Dolores says she did not make any such claim), thus putting the blame onto Dolores; and, in essence, was only interested in money for her loss — which could be arranged by creative book keeping so that the IRS couldn’t see that we gave money where there was no real service rendered. Debby was not interested in coming here to meet with the Board, not interested in a gig, nor in our publishing an article about her in our FSGW Newsletter.

3.   Debby's only suggestion was to be hired as a paid consultant. She proposed providing Ramblewood with data gleaned from catering our Getaway to recoup her loss of the job.

Esther pointed out that whereas the Board had taken responsibility for its part in this unfortunate turn of events, Debby never volunteered that she played a role or had made poor judgments. Bottom line, she is holding onto anger and there was no way to explore reasonable options for reconciliation.

There was open discussion following Esther’s report.

Kathie pointed out that we had made a good faith effort and we don’t have an obligation to do more. Carl mentioned that Debby does the Chesapeake week-end and she had sent that committee a contract that she wanted signed. The contract was not in good form. The dance group will draw up a professional contract and send it to her. Sousan asked what would happen if we don’t do anything following Esther’s call. Scott felt that the situation needs resolution, we need to follow up from Esther’s conversation, at least to make it clear that the idea of a consulting arrangement for Ramblewood was not feasible. This ought to be done in a letter to Debby from the Board. Anne and Stephanie both agreed that some kind of closure is important. We should send a letter summarizing the essence of the conversation and let her know that her one offer would not be of use to us or to Ramblewood. Jamie Platt said the point is that we need to put our foot down and establish ground rules with her. Obviously, there is nothing which can work out between Debby and us for this particular Getaway. Kathie was in favor of a memorandum of understanding.

It was the consensus of the Board that Debby’s offer would not be useful to the Getaway and would provide no real service for which FSGW could offer reimbursement.

Motion by Kathy Westra: that this coming week a letter be drafted to Debby McClatchy saying that we continue to regret the recent unpleasantness and that, unfortunately, FSGW cannot use her services as a consultant, nor are we in a position to pay her. This first draft letter, which Scott volunteered to write, will be emailed back to the rest of the Board. Motion seconded by Stephanie. Voted.

New Business

Glen Echo Park Management Plan. There was an extended report and discussion of the recent meeting. We will try to put up links on our FSGW website so members can be informed of what is going on.

Charlie made a motion (which was seconded and passed) that we continue the 1999 Budget for one more month.

Jamie pointed out that IMT can fund an event. He suggested the FSGW and IMT co-sponsor something (perhaps a family dance). Carl said that the event coordinator needs to put this proposal in writing.

Scott wondered about the summer folk festival. We have no coordinator and the drop-dead deadline for organizing a festival is October. Kathy Westra reminded that we had voted to cancel the 2001 festival. If we choose to reconsider this at the next meeting, we need to have a motion to supersede the previous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 10:25pm. The next meeting of the Board will be on October 3 at 8PM.

FSGW Board Meeting Minutes August, 2000

The meeting was called to order at 8:20 pm.

The following Board Members were present: Carl Mintz, Nancy-Jean Seigel, Scott McKnight, Anne Sergeant, Charlie Baum, Kathie Mack, Liz Milner, Sousan Frankeberger and Jay Ladin

The following FSGW Members attended: Esther Bushman, David Hanks, Jamie Platt, Betsy Platt and Mary Kay Friday

Minutes for the July meeting were provisionally approved. Copies of the Minutes were to be emailed for those who did not receive them and if no major edits were needed, would be finalized.

Special Agenda for this meeting. Carl announced that he wished to postpone committee reports and concentrate on resolving the situation concerning Debby McClatchy.

(Background: Following the July meeting, Board Members voted by email “to reconsider the July 11 vote to pay Debby McClatchy $1500 on the grounds that there is important new information which was not presented to Board members at that meeting prior to the vote.” Therefore, the issue was to be put back on the table for discussion at the August meeting. )

Prior to hearing Board Members’ comments, Carl

gave a summary of (Charlie Baum’s) chronology of the Board position and Debby McClatchy’s position in this “mess”.

stated that there were legal questions, verified by two attorney friends, related to the July vote, so a new vote by email put the issue back on the table.

contacted the Folk Alliance to check out getting legal advice through them. An email vote passed the motion to pay a $125 fee to the Washington Area Lawyers for the Arts (WALA) making FSGW eligible for an initial free consultation

met with lawyers from WALA who pointed out that:

there was no binding letter about time limits agreed to by the Board and no written contract for Debby’s services

there could be a major IRS problem if FSGW (a 501C3 organization) paid someone for doing nothing. This is a violation.

Debby’s claim on loss of “direct costs” is not justified. This is just a part of doing business.

reminded the Board that while Debby had no Chair who could tell her officially “no” about her catering the Getaway, she, never contacted the President of FSGW to get him involved in the situation..

Esther Bushman, lawyer, added the following:

There was no contract or unilateral declaration, nor had FSGW’s business with Debby ever had one. (A contract has to be an offer and an acceptance.)

The deal had always been the same and it worked—i.e. contact with DM made in April, six months prior to the Getaway. The difference with this time was that there had to be a change in venue, so discussions started a year in advance . Despite a letter Debby claimed to have sent, no one knew about the letter, so it couldn’t be agreed with or disagreed with.

Then Board Members commented:

Kathie Mack pointed out that our July vote was probably more an expression of social considerations (vs. legal considerations). Carl interjected to say we didn’t know the legal implications.

Sousan said that since we had no contract, we shouldn’t pay. Yet given past history, FSGW has some obligations. There is the possibility of offering something else (a gig?), but we should negotiate with her to see what will be comfortable.

Carl reminded the Board that Officers of a Corporation have duties to all members

Scott suggested we work with Debbie to find a solution. He also wished he could have been at the lawyers meeting.

Carl suggested that Board Members send him questions (this week) to pose to the lawyers in any future meeting.

Charlie said we had worked by social contract in the past and, for the future, FSGW needed to find a way for it to be possible that Debby work with us again.

Nancy-Jean concluded that we have in part created a “mess” and that we have to take responsibility for the conduct of the organization. This way of operating with no contract, with fuzzy lines between friendship and business is unprofessional and hurts the organization. . Bottom line, FSGW needs to apologize to Debby for the ways it treated her poorly; then FSGW needs to learn from this and grow into a more professional organization, working with contracts etc.

The Board then heard remarks from other FSGW members

Jamie Platt pointed out that while Debby was a friend of FSGW, Trails End as a company made a lot of money from us. Betsy Platt said we cannot justify paying Debby: we cannot violate the integrity of the organization by doing something illegal. Still, we have some moral obligation, so could perhaps offer gigs. Mary Kay Friday mentioned our lack of professionalism. Further, the Dolores and Charlie had been communicating with Debby on behalf of the Society and it would appear that the Society didn’t stand behind its volunteers. Esther Bushman showed concern for putting the organization at risk legally. She knows Debby as a friend, but there was no contract. Esther advised protecting ourselves and our assets. She pointed out that our volunteers are our assets.

Carl proposed that a letter be written to Debby from the Board and signed by him, as President. Liz Milner volunteered to write a draft that everyone could see and comment on via email. Esther would give input as well.

Anne Sergeant suggested that we seek legal advice on "boiler plate" contracts for future use. It was also suggested that perhaps Debby might show us any contracts she might have as samples.

Kathy Westra, not present, could be consulted about the possibility of a concert date for Debby --if a gig is one option for making amends.

Anne made a motion that we give Esther authority to speak with Debby McClatchy on behalf of the Board on ways we can make amends. Esther should have privy to all the email correspondence related to preparation of the letter. The Board will provide Esther with guidance for her conversation (s) with Debby which will take place after the letter from the Board is sent. Scott seconded the motion and it was passed.

Esther said that she wanted to consult with Board Members whose jobs would be involved in any way with making amends to Debby i.e. Susan, for the possibility of offering Debby gigs, Kathy, for the possibility for giving Debby some sort of advertisement in the Newsletter. Such options would not be discussed in the letter, but in Esther's conversation with Debby.

Other topics brought to the table at the end of the Board meeting.

Hiring a bookkeeper.Carl proposed paying $300 per month for a bookkeeper. He suggested offering this job to Pat. Some discussion. Most agreed Pat should be offered the job. Charlie made a motion that FSGW set aside $300 per month for a bookkeeper. The motion was seconded and passed. Carl discussed putting an ad in the September Newsletter advertising the position of Treasurer. It was mentioned FSGW that a job description needs to be written for the job of bookkeeper.

Budget. Charlie Baum made a motion that the current year's budget be extended for 30 days (at pro rate) to the end of September, 2000. Jay seconded the motion and it was passed.

Sing Out Magazine ad. It was agreed to set aside $50 for an ad for FSGW in the Summer 2001 issue which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Sing Out.

Sacred Harp Singing School. Charlie Baum made a motion that FSGW authorize up to $300 for expenses of the year 2000 Sacred Harp Singing School. Motion seconded and passed.

The next FSGW Board Meeting will take place on the second Tuesday, September 12 at 8pm. (This change due to the long Labor Day week end.)

Minutes of July 11, 2000 FSGW Meeting

The following Board members were present: Carl Mintz, Stephanie Smith, Nancy-Jean Seigel, Pat McGee, Kathy Westra, Sousan Frankeberger, Jay Ladin, Liz Milner, Kathie Mack, Scott Mcknight and Charlie Baum.

Others present were: Dean Clemens, Dennis Cook and David Boynton

The meeting was called to order by President, Carl Mintz. The first matter of business was approval of the previous month's minutes. Several amendments were proposed which will be added to the June minutes. A motion was made to accept the minutes as edited, this was seconded, then passed. Then the members heard reports.

Treasurer’s Report

Pat noted that there is a problem with the English Dance group and he will talk to Norm and Jamie. There is not enough income generated by their activities and they are coming close to the limit of expenses in the budget.

Re: The Wantland Fund. Pat reported that it has been completely spent. It was noted that $800 was borrowed to make CDs , but there is no ruling as to what is to happen on this. Perhaps a group should get together to make proposals. Suggestion that Dick Greenhaus might sell our CDs.

David Boynton, past treasurer, noted that out reserve balance is very healthy, around $230,00 and in conservative mutual funds.

It was mentioned that since FSGW is a 501C3, Board members can deduct certain expenses, when directly related to official functions.

A suggestion was made to look into Officer and Director protection insurance.

FSGW Ski Weekend is not shown in the budget as it is a joint venture with another group. The two people who used to run it, do not want to now and want FSGW to take over. This should be brought into Board discussion with a presentation showing proposed budget and past numbers.

Pat moved the to change from Bank of America to First Union as our bank since there is a special account whereby money market rates can be earned as interest. This motion was seconded and passed.


Jay reported that the New Year’s Eve dance hasn’t been booked anywhere yet. Jamie is not sure if the hall in mind has been rented yet.


Kathy W. reported that there are two concerts scheduled: November 18 with Helen Schneyer and January 20 with Martin Wyndham Reed.   More will be announced. It was suggested that we get a list of events by August so that they could be advertised in the Post. In December, it was suggested we might have a joint program organized with the Ethical Culture Society. This will researched.

Pat brought out the fact that there is a real discrepancy in what artists are paid if they perform for a special event or a program. Several people suggested that we re-examine our policy.

There was general agreement that publicity needs to be improved. It needs to be an administrative expense. Carl suggested that we might have a publicity budget (this should be discussed in the Budget Meeting). We might take regular ads in the Washington Post, get out events into the Ethical Culture Society Bulletin and into the Gazettes. Perhaps have FSGS fliers placed around, in Glen Echo Park, copies of FSGW Bulletin at Board Meetings so members can pass out, etc.

There was discussion of the possibility of having advanced ticket sales--for example, for the Bok, Trickett and Muir concert with data base at door to check off names of those who had reserved.

Special Events

Sousan reported that the last two events: Ed Trickett and the Swallowtail did not attract the size of audience expected.


Scott had no numbers to report. Carl asked that there be a comparison between last year’s membership number and added to the report. Numbers are going down


Kathie Mack suggested distributing extra Newsletters in Glen Echo. She also suggested that if we have friends who perform that we get their names and websites to include on the Newsletter section called Local Folkie Fucus.


Liz announced that Press Passes are now being given out.

Washington Folk Festival

Dean reported theft in FSGW storage area in park and the fact that we are looking into possibility of installing an alarm or video. The Police know

Two main issues: what to do next year and who will be coordinator.

Possibility of using any other venue for WFF would be difficult. Extra cost was mentioned and the need to have Dwayne help which he cannot do elsewhere….

Dean suggested Charlie Baum would be a good coordinator and suggested that Jamie’s committee needs to redirect its focus. Need to find two more coordinators and have a committee to undertake the training of future coordinators. The management of the festival needs rejuvenating.

Dean proposed a series of concerts next summer in the park—in areas, which are open to us.

A motion was put forth to cancel the Folk Festival for the year 2001 and to put all efforts into a festival for 2002. The motion was seconded and a roll call vote taken.

Recorded votes.

The following voted “Yes” to cancel the 2001 Washington Folk Festival and to put all efforts towards a festival in 2001:

Scott McKnight

Liz Milner

Kathie Mack

Kathy Westra

Pat McGee

Jay Ladin

Carl Mintz

Stephanie Smith

Nancy-Jean Seigel .

Charlie Baum voted “no

Sousan Frankeberger, abstained.

(It was suggested that this vote not be mentioned in the Newsletter yet.)

Other matters

The main issue was a heated discussion concerning the request by Debby McClatchy to be paid for income loss as a result of not being given job to cater at the 2001 Getaway Weekend at Ramblewood. Considerable time was spent reading aloud and explaining background material related to her claim that we should pay her $1500. (Some of this history had already been sent out in emails to Board members prior to the meeting; other history was presented at the meeting.)

A motion was made and seconded that we pay Debby $1500. In a roll call vote, the following people voted “Yes”

Nancy-Jean Seigel

Scott McKnight

Sousan Frankeberger

Liz Milner

Kathie Mack

Charlie Baum

Stephanie Smith

The following voted "No":

Pat McGee


Jay Ladin

After completion of the vote, Pat said that he could not write a check for this purpose and handed in his resignation as FSGW Treasurer. There was much discussion as a result of Pat's action. The meeting was adjourned very late, as people were planning to figure out to do next. A meeting would be decided via email--to discuss this vote about Debby or to discuss the budget.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for August 8, 2000


Minutes of the May meeting were approved.

P.McGee moved; J. Platt 2d. The motion passed unanimously.


Dean Clamons made a financial report for the Washington Folk Festival. The actuals came very close to the planned budget. The program was successful: fewer 1/2 hour slots thus fewer stage changes. The singer songwriter stage and the open sing, both new additions this year, went very well. 5000-6000 attended the festival on Saturday; 4500 on estimated by the NPS.

Report on Park for next year: ballroom construction will begin in late fall, not available for 18 months afterward. Construction will also begin on the North Arcade building; a possible staging area for construction would be the Crystal Pool area. He suggested that instead of holding the festival next year doing series of concerts at the cuddle-up, which would keep a presence at Park, but be easier to do. Problems of moving festival: outdoor or indoor. Put up/take down must happen in a week elsewhere. Dwayne doesn't have another week to take off.

J Platt reported that several people are willing to work on a coordinating committee for next year. Dean noted that a major problem wil be with manpower (operations).

Liz Milner reported on Barns at Franklin Park which operates dawn-to-dusk - no evening lighting - barns seat 300 in tiered series - solar power - Dean - power might be a problem.

Kathy Westra suggested having Dean come up with criteria first so site analyses can address the issue first, rather than reporting on all 8 sites

Dean said we must ask whether our plan is to leave permanently. 2 yrs away could be a bad investment. A committee will be appointed to investigate sites.   P. McGee moved that the board table until the next meeting his motion to not have festival next year and put all energies into 2002 festival. 2d - ?. Vote 3 in favor, 2 against. Motion passed.


P. McGee moved increase budget for Y2K ball by $150 B. Platt 2d Motion passed unanimously. P. McGee moved increase budget for the program budget by $1500. B. Platt 2d Motion passed unanimously. House concerts: no door sheets, so cannot determine actuals.P. McGee moved increase budget for the Sacred Harp by $150. B. Platt 2d. Passed unanimously (they didnt know the 1500 they requested for budget hadn't been approved). J. Platt moved to donate $1000 to the National Campaign to Save Glen Echo Park, as budgeted at the budget meeting for a mailing. 2d S. Smith. B. Platt offered friendly amendment that funds be specifically earmarked for non-lobbying activities such as a mailing.  Motion passed unanimously.


J. Platt reported that the Sunday night contra dance is booked thru November, he will work with Jay Ladin, the incoming Dance chair. Jay plans to keep the dance at Glen Echo Park, at the Bumper Car Pavilion rather than go to Cherry Hill in the winter, which would cause the dance program to lose money. J. Platt reported that the Irish Festival and ceilidh (at Glen Echo Park on Memorial Day weekend) borrowed a few microphones and stands: wrote a letter requesting waiver of fee J. Platt so moved ; B. Platt 2d. The motion passed unanimously.

J. Platt has received a request from the Eastern European Folklife Center for Balkan Week for sound equipment.

S. Smith noted that no formal request has occurred for the Smithsonian Folklife Festival to help cover hospitality . P. McGee moved to appropriate $500 or what we donated last year, whichever is less. J. Platt seconded the motion The motion passed unanimously.


The next board meeting will be Tues, July 11 at Glen Echo Park at 8:00 pm.

P. McGee moved to adjourn the meeting. S. Smith 2d. The motion passed


The meeting adjourned at 10:25 pm

FSGW Board Meeting May 2, 2000 Minutes


Betsy Platt, Pat McGee, Jamie Platt, Dennis Cook, Carly Gewirz, Scott McKnight, Kathie Mack, David Eisner, Carl Mintz, Stephanie Smith, Sousan Frankeberger, Cindy Rury.

Meeting called to order by Pat McGee at 8:15


- Budget comparison distributed. Contributions and dues income are under budget. Community dance is still way under their revenue projections. Sunday dance are under revenue projections, but their expenditures are also under. Special events are under for both. The only concerns are still the English dance and the program concerts, but the program concerts have more revenue.

MINUTES - Dennis

- Treasurer's report amended per email from Pat.

- moved Dennis, 2nd Scott that the minutes be approved as amended.

WFF - Dean

- Met with Park officials (Karen and Joe). The women's side bathroom will be done, but the men's side will not. They will put in a trailer. They have also gutted the downstairs, so there will be no room for the instrument check. The playground will be finished shortly. The bumper car pavilion will be useable, not finished, but we can put crafts in it. It probably won't leak. About August, they will be putting out bids? for the ballroom contract which will take about 18 months to complete. We are not sure where they will be doing the construction staging. In December, they will be going through the same process for the arcade building. Its staging area will be in front, closing the front parking lot and our bus access. The park offices will move over to Clara Barton center, but they will have some presence in a trailer on the park grounds. Since the park will be trying to stay open, current tenants will be housed somewhere which may have major impact on the available locations for the festival.

- The board should make no public announcements on our future plans for the festival.

- We have received a $2000 grant from Montgomery County for the busses, but it is a new office and new forms.

- The program is done, and other work is proceeding apace.

- Could we move to the Montgomery Co fairgrounds, and get a grant or a break from the County to offset the costs since they are driving the construction schedule.

- Jamie

- We had a WFF management meeting last night, and made a list of 92 people who would be possible organizers. The list was prioritized into 3 groups 1. Demonstrated experience (18ppl). 2. Capable people, and 3. Unproven people. Scott is making up a script to use in calling the group 1 people. We felt that is was easier to get people to be part of a larger committee than a 3-person chair, and that natural leadership will emerge from within the group. Once the committee is established, we hope they will take part in this year's festival, and then they will organize the 2001 festival.

- Duane is working on NCTA to buy a pair of trailers to store the festival equipment.

- Why did former coordinators choose not to stay involved? Can they give some insight into what the burnout factors are?

- moved Pat, 2nd Dennis that we cancel the 2001 festival and concentrate on the 2002 festival. If the potential volunteers don't interact with the festival this year, they will be under tremendous pressure to produce a festival with no experience. The time frame is just too short to make it work. If we have any though that we might move to a different site, finding and booking a new venue needs to be done now. The Board independently of other decisions could do this before the new coordinating committee is formed. We need available dates, at least 7 concert venues, dance floor, crafts area, green room, office, and operations area. November or December is a drop-dead date for having the festival at the park or not at all. Sousan will coordinate site selection. Betsy will call the Montgomery County fairgrounds and the Landon School. Sousan will call Carter Barron and Nova College. Stephanie will call Montgomery College in Rockville, Annie Storr at American University. Jamie will call Holton Arms School and the Barrie School. Green Acres School. Stephanie and Jamie are also willing to make calls. Tell Sousan if you think of any other locations.

- Carl moved, Betsy 2nd that we table this motion until next month. Passed 7 for 3 against.


- We had 40 for Simple Gifts. We mailed $42 of postcards to 125 people on their mailing list, and got 4 people.

- We have 2 concerts coming in June: Swallowtail on the 10th and Tobache on the 30th. Swallowtail will be acoustic.

- Jamie will do sound for Jacqueline Schwabb on May 6th.

- Three house concerts for July, and nothing so-far for August.

- Nightingale wants to do a dance and concert in March.

PROGRAM - via email to Carl

- Finest Kind had a full hall and a lot of non-members. Some from their email list, there was no special publicity.

- Mystic Warriors will be June 17th at WES. Jamie will do sound.


- New membership cards are being sent out.

- Current and historical statistics distributed.

- Renewals are down this month.

- Membership will be in the crafts area.

DANCE - Jamie

- Dances are going great. We are making money every dance. Attendance is 100 to 150.

- The May 28th dance is at the Clara Barton Center and will be geezers’ night.

- The September 3rd dance will also be at the Clara Barton Center.

- Dates for next year's Chesapeake will be 27-29 again at Letts.


- Next issue is the combined June-July, so May 10 is the deadline for both months. Dennis is leaving town 5/23 through 6/30, so this is also the deadline for web updates for June and July.

- Debby via email was very disappointed in the Program listing. One suggestion is to give the program a consistent box on the front page.


- Jacqueline Schwabb called and provided PR material, which has been forwarded to appropriate media.


Cultural Alliance

- We need to pick 7 people. Carl will email a draft list of candidates.

Ethical Sound

- We don't know what is happening with David Roth at Ethical.


- Messages have been reviewed, and are updating information.

- Audrey Georges is doing the work, and would like to receive a quarterly classified ad for her speech coaching business.


Potomac Celtic Festival

- moved Carl, we allow them to insert their flyer in the June-July newsletter.

Next Months Meeting

- Move festival to 2nd Tuesday (13th)

- Betsy will take minutes.

Takoma Park Festival

- moved Scott, 2nd David that we waive the fee on loaning the concert system to the Takoma Park Festival. Passed.


- We suggest Scott allocate $1000 from membership to layout and print trifolds.


- 10:40

FSGW Board Meeting 4 April, 2000

Board Members Present:

Jamie Platt, Dennis Cook, David Eisner, Betsy Platt, Pat McGee, Kathie Mack, Cindy Rury, Scott McKnight, Debbie Hutton, Carl Mintz

MINUTES – Dennis

- Correct Cindy Rowl to Cindy Rury.

- Correction under treasurers report it was the NYE English dance.

- Add membership numbers.

- Accepted as corrected.


- New budget comparison distributed. Items of concern are highlighted, and new columns showing the number of events planned and held to date. The budget line items requiring attention were discussed. The most significant is the English dances, which are spending significantly faster than their budget, but their income is tracking projections.

- moved Pat, 2nd Debby that we increase the NYE Contra expense budget by $300. Passed. The event chair went over budget without authorization, we don't want this to happen again, but the two board members involved in the event were not available at the time of the expense. We need to impress on event chairs that staying within budget is important, but at the same time it is difficult to hold them fiscally responsible and still find volunteers willing to chair the events.

- moved Pat, 2nd Debby to combine the investment income and interest budget lines into one. Passed.

- The special events chair will try to keep better records of house concert attendance, income, and expenses.


- Swallowtail is back on.


- May 20 Program at GETH will be Paul Sutphen, a southern guitarist coming up with Paul Brown.


- The newsletter is again 24 pages.

- There are many submissions coming in late.

- The program should be more prominent than house concerts. If it's not on page 1 it should be on the top of page 3.


- Cindy now has a fax machine, compliments of Jamie & Betsy as a gift to the society.

- We have no budget for publicity by itself. All extra publicity costs come out of the event budget.


- Numbers were distributed.

- About a dozen renewals at the membership dance and 5 new members.

- A new design for membership cards will be coming out. They will have the hot-line number and the web address.

DANCE - Jamie

- The membership dance went fine.

- The benefit dance went fine, and was a wonderful artistic event. There was a problem with archival recording the event by one of the band members.

- There will be a family dance on 21 May, but the performers are not yet booked.

- It would be a good idea to check for memberships at the Wild Asparagus dance. We need at least 4 board members there to check memberships by 7:00pm

- We are co-sponsoring a teen dance in Baltimore. Jamie may underwrite the event in case of loss from the community dance budget line.


Future Planning Committee - Jamie

- Jamie has not had the time to do the job, and would like someone else to take over the chairmanship.

Hotline - Carl

- We have a person, Audrey Georges, who has volunteered to update the hotline, but she has not responded to email messages. Carl has been reticent about pushing too hard.

WFF Coordinators - Pat

- No progress on getting new coordinators.

- Dean has not been able to find others to take over.

- We may need to be willing to pay labor for operations.

- A committee of board members was formed to find new members of a WFF coordinating committee. Jamie, David, Betsy, Kathie, Scott, and we need Dean. The target is to come back in 1 month with people who have agreed to be on the coordinating committee. Jamie will call Dean and set-up the meeting.

Cultural Alliance - Kathie

- Kathie and Betsy handed out information on the benefits of organizational membership, including one free round trip airline ticket each year, arts advocacy, and reduced membership for individual FSGW members.

- It would cost FSGW $410 to join as an organization.

- moved Pat, 2nd Kathie, that we expend $410 out of the Contributions and Dues line. Passed.

Elections - Dennis

Moved Dennis, 2nd Jamie, that we re-allocate $1200 of our equipment budget to make up to a $1200 donation to WES towards improvements in their sound system. Passed.

- Would there be extra charges for use of the sound system.


Adjournment until May 2.

FSGW Board Meeting   March 8, 2000


Dennis Cook, Pat McGee, Sousan Frankeberger, Carl Mintz, Jamie Platt, Betsy Platt, David Eisner, Cindy Rury, Stephanie Smith, Kathy Mack.

MINUTES - Dennis

- Amendments: Cultural Alliance: Betsy and Kathy will research the organizational benefits and report back to the board.

--Approved as amended


- Current budget comparison distributed.

- New years eve English dance was way over budget for either last year or this year depending on weather we count the $500 hall rental in last year or this year's expenses.

- Membership is way under budgeted income.


- Scott was not here, but he emailed his report to all the board.

- There is nothing in the budget for mailing out directories.

Moved Pat 2nd Dennis we increase budget directory to $900 to cover mailing costs and allow for printing more directories.

- We had two people who wanted to join at Judy's concert, but there were no newsletters. It is requested that a simple trifold be prepared by membership to hand out at events.

SPECIAL - Sousan

- Martin Wyndham Reed concert was cancelled because he did not get his work permit. Pat said that Ann Mayo Muir is in town, visiting Christina, but not performing. Perhaps she could substitute. Sousan will check it out.

- Swallowtail has been cancelled. Both of their other concerts were cancelled. June 10th. It was not worth their time to practice for our concert.

- Judy's concert had about 34 people, and netted $235 for FSGW.

DANCE - Jamie

- The membership dance is March 19 with Simple Gifts.

- The benefit dance for Glen Echo Park with Fiddle Summit is coming up March 26th. Frank Brown will help with the recording. David Eisner will loan a CD recorder.

- Attendance is variable, but averages between $750 and $900 per dance.


- This month's newsletter is 24 pages.

- Please submit articles as much before the 10th as you can.

- Request for brief (up to half page) write-ups on your favorite kind of music.


- Betsy will give Cindy an extra fax machine from their basement.

- Follow-up phone calls help.

- Put a notice on the publicity offering to put the publicist on the guest list if they call.


Cultural Alliance

- Carried over to next month.


- Jamie has sold a total of 4 so far.

- Suggested we publish a picture in the newsletter.

- Carl will bring a camera to the dance if Cindy will wear the T-shirt.

- Carl will pick-up mailing envelopes and batteries for Jamie at Price Club.

Hot Line

- Carl has updated all the static messages.

- How conscientious are the event chairs in updating their messages. Carl will remind chairs in his reminder emails.

- Jamie will call Audrey George to see if she is willing to do it.

- We should put a cross listing for Washington Folklore Society in the phone book. Pat will do it.

Smithsonian Woody Guthrie Event

- Carl emailed Howard Bass, asking the questions that were raised last meeting.

- Howard asked Stephanie about action, so it appears that he didn't get the email.

- Carl will follow up.

- moved David, 2nd Pat that we appropriate $1000 out of the contributions budget, and give Carl the authority to negotiate the best deal he can.


Nominating Committee

- moved Betsy, 2nd Pat that Dennis Cook, Roger Brosius, and Marty Summerour be approved as the nominating committee. Pat requested that the committee keep future planning and direction in mind as well as just doing the jobs. Passed.

Net Budgeting

- How to keep the board from having to discuss budget increases so often for events with percapita costs.

Ballroom Renovations

- The Park Service is soliciting comments on the proposed renovations. Part of the proposal includes a major structure behind the stage probably to become a kitchen for catering events. The addition is not needed for dancing, and we are very concerned that catering facilities would ruin the dance floor. The additional building could compromise the historic integrity of the building.

- They have left out acoustical treatment.

- It is the sense of the board that the President should comment for the Society and express our concern that the proposed renovations would hurt social dance and other cultural events.

Festival Crisis

- Our coordinating committee is down to one person.

- The board needs to take a hard look at what its role is and should be.

- It would be irresponsible for the board to let the Festival atrophy.

- Tabled until next meeting for full discussion.


- Next month's meeting is April 4th 8:00pm at the Park Service office.

FSGW Board Meeting  February 2, 2000

Members Present: Jamie Platt, Sousan Frankeberger, Pat McGee, Scott McKnight, Dennis Cook, Carl Mintz, Kathie Mack, Cindy Rury, Betsy Platt, Stephanie Smith

MINUTES - Dennis

- Minutes emailed shortly after last meeting. No comments received.

- Approved as presented


- No financial statement for this meeting, but the 1099s went out and the taxes are almost done. Financial statements will be presented next month.

- The Minifest grossed $4639

Many compliments. Performers really appreciated the food.


- New membership directories distributed to board members. The expense will be charged to board expenses, since board members in carrying out their duties use the directories extensively. Directories are available to members for $10 at concerts or $11 by mail.

- No report because of the MiniFestival. We got a good stack of new memberships.

DANCE - Jamie

- New T-shirts have been received. They are available to members for $10. T-shirts can be ordered in different sizes or colors, we can hold them until we get 88 and then re-order.

- The Park Service canceled the Sunday dance this last week. The band cancelled as well, so we didn't incur any costs.

- We have several community dances showing up. They are on the web site.


- Concerts going well. We had over 40 people at Bill & Libby's concert.

- John Roberts and Tony Barrand concert coming up this Saturday. Kathie will help.

- Jacquie Schwab concert will move to the 6th of May at Ethical.

- We will co-sponsor two concerts Footloose on March 5th at 1:00pm and Cabaret Savingon on April 22nd at 8pm.

- Judy Cook will donate admissions from her house concert to FSGW.

- March 19th dance will be free to members.

- March 26th will be the park benefit dance for the Glen Echo Park Foundation.


- Newsletter is going out well. Deadlines have been rushed lately because of Christmas and the Minifest.

- Please get submissions in to Kathy earlier if you can. She can't do it at work any more. For FSGW, the deadline is the 8th.

- moved Pat, 2nd Dennis that we increase the equipment budget by $2000 to provide the Newsletter Editor a decent computer. Tabled to next meeting.


- Have been sending events and the Sunday dance to the newspapers and radio stations.


Cultural Alliance

- We had agreed to join, but we had approved the individual membership amount, and the organizational membership rate is significantly higher. The organizational rate is $410.



- moved Pat 2nd Dennis we increase insurance budget by $200 to cover the insurance bill. Passed.

Folk Alliance Conference

- moved Pat 2nd Scott that we pay for three additional registrations at the early bird rate for this year. Passed.

We are already sending the special events chair. The three should be the selected by the President. He chooses the Dance chair, Treasurer, and a representative from the WFF.

Bumper Car Pavilion

- moved Dennis 2nd Pat that we provide $5000 of the allocated GEPF funds to Stan through the Park Service Account. Passed. 1 abstains. 1 opposed.

Slaveya Co-Sponsorship

- moved Betsy, 2nd Scott we co-sponsor this event. Passed.

- Sunday May 7th.

- What they want is the FSGW name.

Woody Guthrie Presentation on the Mall

- Howard Bass has asked for $1000 to co-sponsor with Smithsonian and Folkways.

- Is part of the folk life festival

- Artist budget between $3k-$5k

- June 26th

- Carl will ask Howard questions about what exposure we get.


- Meeting adjourned to 7 March 10:44

Our CDSS affiliate membership gives FSGW 2 priority admissions per year to any of the summer camps.

FSGW Board Meeting  January 4, 2000

Members Present: Pat McGee, Debby Hutton, Stephanie Smith, Dennis Cook, Scott McKnight, Carly Gewirz, Sousan Frankeberger, Betsy Platt, Jamie Platt.

MINUTES - Dennis

- Minutes approved as presented.


- We have a February program. Debby had been trying to get Dudley Connell, but he is not available in Feb., but may be available in May or June, possibly with Hazel Dickens. Andy Cohen recommended Ernie Hawkins from Pittsburgh who does blues and ragtime.

- Still looking to do something Spanish or Latino in May

- January program will have a donation container for the Archie Edwards foundation.


- List of upcoming events distributed.

- John Roberts and Tony Barrand will be in Philli, so we were able to get them for Feb. 5th.

- We need a hall with a good (grand) piano for Jaqueline Schwab on May 5th.


- We had a drop of 23 voting members this month, but are hoping that people are just late because of the holidays.

- Directory should be available to be sold at the Mini.


- Budget comparison presented.

- moved Dennis, 2nd Carly report be approved as presented. Passed.


- Status report presented


- Prices should be same as last year

- We need much better publicity to make the Mini fly. David suggested the SS Gazette and the Guide to the Lively Arts. We should take out paid advertising. Debby requested flyers for the program that we can ask people to post in their local areas.


- We got a very nice letter from Alan Jabor. The event made $15,000.

WFF - Carly

- It will happen.

- Dean is the only coordinator. He will not do it another year.

- Dwain will do operations again.

- There is a meeting with the park service coming soon to see what we will do in 2001.



- moved Pat 2nd Scott that the event chair has the authority to modify the sound pay when necessary. Passed. Dennis, David & Jamie abstained.


- moved Debby 2nd Pat that the Program budget be increased by $300 to cover additional sound costs through June. Passed.


- moved Dennis, 2nd Scott we adjourn. Passed.

Adjourned 9:55

FSGW 2000 Minutes