<< Mail registration by May 3rd and save $$ >>
Registration will open soon.
NAME(s) as they are to appear on name tags (please print legibly)
First: ____________________________ Last: _______________________________
First: ____________________________ Last: _______________________________
Street: _________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ________
Email address: _____________________________ Phone: ____ - ____ - ______
** Legible, please **
|__| Desire overnight hospitality — |__| Non-smoking |__| Separate Beds
Allergy (pets, food, other): _____________________________________________________________________
Other special needs: _____________________________________________________________________________
Please submit requests postmarked by May 3rd to facilitate coordination of requests.
I / we can provide overnight hospitality for __________ visitors (please provide your email address, above, to facilitate coordination of this activity).
To register, mail this registration form and a check, payable to FSGW, to:
Roger Broseus, 10411 Farnham Drive, Bethesda, MD 20814-2219
No registration via email
Confirmations will be sent via email if provided by registrants. Directions to the practice session and Ball are available here. Updates / news will be emailed to those whose email address is on file with the registrar.