Download dance instructions, PDF (324 kB).
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Light refreshments served during the break
$32 for members of FSGW, BFMS
or CDSS for registrations
postmarked by May 3rd
$35 for non-members
Students - 1/2 price
($16 / $17.50)
Add $6 for registrations post-
marked after Saturday, May 3rd
(Students add $3)
Melissa Running (piano),
Edith Coakley Stowe (fiddle)
Tom Spilsbury
Time: 2:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Cherry Hill Park Conference Center
(Same venue as potluck and ball)
Cherry Hill Park Conference Center
Coordinated by Laura Parsons
(Same venue as practice session and ball)
Contribution of a potluck dish
is optional for out-of-town guests.
Info: e-mail .
Ball Chair: Fred Todt,
| Co-Chair: Carol Marsh
"Pretty" version of flyer (PDF, 320 kB)