For registrations
postmarked by April 30th:
$30 for members of FSGW,
$33 for non-members
Students - 1/2 price
($15 / $16.50)
Add $6 for registrations
postmarked after Saturday, April 30th
(Students add $3)
Tom Spilsbury,
Melissa Running
Music by
Colleen Reed (flute),
Jeff Steinberg (fiddle)
Time: 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
At Cherry Hill Park Conference Center
(Same venue as potluck and ball)
At Cherry Hill Park Conference Center
(Same venue as practice session and ball)
Out-of-town dancers, please be our guests
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Light refreshments served during the break
All dances will be prompted for a few rounds, with no walk-throughs.
Information about the pre-ball practice session and
driving directions will be mailed with program booklets.
Work scholarships are available.
Please wear clean, soft-soled shoes to protect the dance floor.
Info: e-mail or call Melissa Running at 301-588-0477.
"Pretty" version of flyer (PDF, 200 kB)