Resources — Instructions
& videos for dances; references for tunes in Barnes;
sheet music for tunes not in Barnes. "Pretty" version of flyer
(PDF, 194 kB).
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Light refreshments served during the break
$33 for members (FSGW, BFMS, CDSS)
$38 for non-members
Full-time students
Members: $16.50, non-members: $20
For registrations post-marked
after Saturday, April 25th
Members: $40, Non-members: $45
Caller: Anna Rain
Music: Melissa Running (piano),
Becky Ross (fiddle)
Cherry Hill Park Conference Center
(Same venue as potluck and ball)
Coordinated by: Laura Parsons,
Bob Mathias, Tali Stopak
Cherry Hill Park Conference Center
(Same venue as practice session and ball)
Contribution of a potluck dish
is optional for out-of-town guests.
Carol Marsh, Chair; Carrie Rose, Co-chair; Roger Broseus, Registrar
Info: e-mail
Previous Spring Balls: 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009
2014 Ball videos: Bryon's Boutade | The Fandango | Orleans Baffled — thanks to Fred Blonder